source : Pinterest
Heyyyy I’m back. Again. To be honest, this is really embarrassing. Like, every time I come here, this is how I start my post. Predictable much. Whoever reading now, you guys are the real heroes. Thanks for staying.
When was my last post by the way? Almost a year ago I guess. Where I talk about me finishing my foundation year. And that’s it. No update for the rest of the year and today, baamm! I come. Purely because my sudden urge to write and rant. I almost forgot my password by the way.
Many things happened to me lately. And by lately, I mean since I finished foundation until now. I finally continued my degree though. In August last year. I think I would talk more about it in another post. Because if I did it here, maybe I will only come back next year. Lol.
I did not have any planning when I write this post. Merely just to tell you guys (as well as myself) that this blog and the owner is still alive and kicking. Well, maybe not kicking, but still breathing. I will write, maybe not so regularly, but yeah. After all, writing is still a part of me. Buried down inside my knuckles (the heck)
I’m so sorry if this is so dull. Like, really dull. I think I almost losing my writing skill, as well as my communicating skill. Especially during this quarantine season.
Talking about quarantine, please stay safe everyone #stayathome #kitajagakita
With that being said, I think I will stop before any of you guys fall asleep in front of your screen. Sorry for the dullness and the grammar mistakes you found anywhere. feel free to correct me anytime!
Till then.