Dad, A Man Who Ignored

Dad, A Man Who Ignored


I'm just scrolling through my gallery just now and found some photos that I think really heart-touching. Thanks to him who shared them and I was lucky to be one of the viewers. 😊

Here are the pictures.

It goes deep inside my heart, though. To be honest, I'm not really that close to my abah. Abah is somehow creepy. He could be really cold but really funny sometimes. No one among us could guess what is in his heart. And this makes us a bit awkward to even joke around.

However, abah never being harsh. When we did something wrong, he never beat. No rotan, no hitting, no nothing. But still, my siblings and I will be really awkward when we're with him. Me especially. I was the eldest, happened to be the closest one to him in my childhood years. But as time flew, things changed. I almost treated him like a stranger. Even until now.

I just don't know why. I can't be too comfortable with him anymore. It feels strange. Seeing these photos made me realize how cruel I was to him, my own dad. I have to admit. I hate when he nags, I hate when he suddenly raises his voice to anyone of us, I hate when he complains about what we're doing. But, I have to accept the fact that he's our leader. He has the right to speak out when we're doing wrong.

I even have to stop a few times when writing this. Feel like crying 😭. Crap! Haha.

Nowadays, people, girls especially, simply ignored their dad. Putting their 'husband-to-be' as their adored man. Little do they think of how much their dad had sacrificed for them? Seeing this situation always make me in guilt. But I also did the same. Ignoring abah. He must be really sad for this.

I forgot that he was the man. The man who has done the 'iqamah' when I was born. The man who first teaches me how to walk (well, this was what mama told). The man who taught me ABC till I know how to read a newspaper. And the man who willingly die in order to make me happy. I forgot him and I regretted. 

Love you, abah 💓

Don't ignore your dad. Appreciate them when they're still with you. 

Till then. Wallahualam.


  1. i miss arwah bapak.
    BV sama macam awak jugak, tapi walaupun awkward, BV memang syg sangat arwah bapak. cuma tak berapa tunjuk je. please appreciate your dad and sometimes, boleh je show love to ur parents by doing some good work and so on. :)

    1. Haa.Susah bila nak tunjuk rasa sayang itu. Thanks for the advice tho. :)


    1. Iya kan. Asyik nak tunjuk garang saja ><

  3. Abah kita garang, tak pernah cakap I Love You pun, haritu birthday abah kita send ' To the man i love the most, bla bla bla' tahu tak abah reply apa? "SAYANG ALLAH DAN RASUL DULU", hahahahahahahah sentap hati mak nok. Tapi kita tahu abah care, waktu kita eksiden moto masa kat kampus, abah la paling sibuk, asyik suruh mak call tapi dia taknak cakap pun dalam phone tu. hahaha kita paling sayang abah kita, hehehe. The only Superman i know.

    1. Samalah abah kita. Kadang rasa macam dia tak sayang. Asal minta duit nak beli buku, maka terjadilah macam gambar di atas T_T

  4. Ayah biasanya seorang yang tidak tahu menunjukkan kasih sayang. Tapi dia sayang sangat kat kita nanye :)

    Ayah akak always be my hero. Kalau ada masalah, dia will be the first person come and rescue me terutama masa car akak breakdown 😅 like superman, datang rescue. Hihi.

    Appreciate your dad :) Thanks for the reminder, amira :)

    1. Bila dah duduk jauh-jauh, susah, baru nak ingat kat ayah kan.
      Takpa, saya remind diri sendiri jugak :)

