My Blog References and Resources

My Blog References and Resources

Assalamualaikum and hi

So, I was editing my blog for the few times and I hope it would stick like this a bit longer. Hating myself from getting bored of the same look easily. Everyone now can sigh in relief as I'll stop editing now. However, this will only last a few days, I guess. So, here, I'm willingly would love to share what and where I usually go to edit my blog. Plus, this actually could be useful for myself too, where I can easily get back here to find any of my references.

So, My Blog References and Resources would be ;

#1 Wanaseoby [link]

If you're only editing basic things like navbar, blockquote or special hover, you could eventually visit this blog. Her tutorials were awesome and easy to understand for those who are 'loading tahap tenuk' like me. 

#2 Helplogger [link]

I really love the tutorials here. All of the tutorials provided worked magnificently. This is a blog to visit if you want to go further in editing your blog. I've learnt how to do more complicated things like related post widgets, read more options and that Pin It button here.

#3 Xomisse [link]

This blog's tutorials are much more complicated. I won't recommend this for those beginners. I rarely use the blog's tutorials as I myself easily got confused too. However, the tutorials were outstanding and hard to find. Have a look!

#4 AzreenSofia [link]

She wasn't providing any tutorials. But she's the one who gives me lots of ideas to update posts when I'm having a writer's block. You would totally in love with her blog and herself once you stepped into her blog just like I do 💗

#5 GoogleFonts [link]

The reason why I like this site is because they're providing various types of fonts without having me to download any of them. This is so easy and handy as I really hate to download fonts that are surely won't be used regularly. It will be a waste. Google Fonts helps you to add fonts by only copying their provided link. So easy!

#6 [link]

Here is where I got stock photos. The pictures provided were stunning and high quality. This will help you with good photos in your posts. Have a visit and you'll have a headache of choosing a photo ><

#7 SouthernSpeakers [link]

Here's another tutorial blog. But this will suit them who are using a dynamic view template more. A lot of tutorials for that particular template. However, there's tutorials for other templates too!

#8 WHSR [link]

If you're unaware of your blogging skills, you could quickly visit this blog. They're providing tips and tricks to help beginners to improve their blogs and their writing skills. There's also cute freebies here 😁

#9 Lyssa [link]

Nahh, who doesn't know her? She's a cute blogger with cute writing style and cute tutorials to be done. Other than referring to her tutorials, I also made her as one of my biggest inspirations. How about you?

#10 ErinAzmir [link]

She's my another inspiration. There's tons of things she taught about blogging things. I'm sure anyone who visit will love her writing.

So, they are my references and resources. How about yours? Do you have any blogs that you refer to? Why not sharing them with me? I would glad to know 😀

Till then. Wallahualam. 💋


  1. Hi!

    Thank you so much for featuring me :)

  2. hi, saya datang follow back :)

  3. Setuju pasal AzreenSofia, banyak post Azreen yang mai bookmark kan, hehehehe. Lyssa plak memang bnyk tutorial dlm tu, rujukan utama~!

    1. Haa. Azreen banyak kasi idea best-best :P

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mine is always Erin. Hihi. Nak pergi terjah Azreen Sofia kejap. First time kenal dia :)

  5. Such a helpful list of reference :)

  6. My blogger inspiration would be and

    This list is helpful btw, thanks for sharing !

    1. I'm glad these was helpful enough :D

