My First Two Weeks of School

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Assalamualaikum and hi

Just realized that this is my first post of 2017. Phew, school did hit me hard. Everything went smoothly though. Alhamdulillah.

Anyway, my first two weeks of school was just nice. I've met the same classmates, learning the same subjects and facing the same teachers. Kinda boring but I have to bear with it. Just for another few months. Come on.

Form 5 was a bit miserable. No, it was totally miserable. We have to learn more difficult things and homeworks were like crazy. We have around 6-7 subjects per day and almost one or two homeworks for each subject. Just imagine it. I started doing them on 3pm and barely finished by 11pm. NO REST. It's not like I'm complaining, but hell yeah, I'm not a robot.

Our new principal made many new improvements to the school. I'm dying to remember that this would be our last year there. Aside from the canteen and the library, the classes name were changed too. My class that was supposed to be 5 Sains 1 changed to 5 Sains Elit. It was hard for us to adapt with it, so we still call our class as 5 Sains 1.

One of the good things I've learned in this two weeks of school was not to procrastinate. I've mentioned before in my previous post about my procrastination habit. So, this is one of the things I have successfully done. I can't even imagine what would happen if this habit of mine was still there.

Bad thing? We have our first meeting of co-curricular clubs by this week. Unfortunately, I was selected as the president for the 3 out of 4 clubs that I've joined. Thanks dear friends who pointed me out and voting me. I know these positions will help me to gain more marks by the end of the year, but come on man! Being a president won't be easy!

I really love my English teacher. He was absolutely the best. He reminisces me to my primary school teacher. He makes me want to learn English every single day. It's not like I hate my Form 4's English teacher. He was nice too, but he rarely taught us or entered the class since he was too busy with the disciplines things. I've lost my interest in English by that time. Thank God that my new teacher was really good.

Overall, everything was okay and I hope this will continue till the end of the year.

Anyway, I'm not going to be really active by this year. SPM hit me hard. I rarely got time for myself. Thank you for dropping by and following me. I'll visit you as soon as I can, just not now. Do pray for me too.

Till then 💋


  1. I can see your leadership through your style! They pointed you out because they know that you are the best candidate to be a president! Congrats & enjoy the last year of school :D (but please ingat SPM hahaha) xD

    1. Leadership? I'm childish ><

      Oh SPM hari-hari menjelma dalam mimpi honestly T_T

  2. 3 presidents? Be strong dear! But rmb that all those koko marks wont really matter if you flunk. So be extremely strong. But I see how diciplined you are so i'm sure you can get this through. All the best!

    1. Thanks for the support Afifah. I really hope I can do well ._.

  3. Wow I didn't even got to be the AJK when I was in school. Goodluck president! and may everything goes well, especially for your SPM :)

    1. Uhuks. I hate the positions. Tons of work to do actually :(
      And thank you. I'll try my best for my SPM =D

  4. Wow! Presidents for 3 clubs! Good luck Mrs President :)

    Study smart for your SPM okay, amira. You will miss memories about SPM, school, and friends later. Trust me :)

    1. Thank you, Siqah! I, or maybe I should say all of us in form 5 now were like 'enjoy everything, this is our last year doing this.' Kind of sad actually :|

