Me in Ten Years to Come

Me in Ten Years to Come

Assalamualaikum and hi

I've been thinking about this for quite a while. 2017 is just around the corner and this mean I'll be sitting for SPM in no time. Perhaps in eleven months to come. Eleven months aren't too long, honestly. I need to be prepared or I'll be a dead meat. I don't want to disappoint my parents. 💔

What I want to do after my SPM? I don't want to die slowly on my bed or infront of the television. It will be worthless. Honestly, until right now, the moment I'm writing this post, I don't have any spesific ambition. I don't know what I really want to be. A doctor? A teacher? Or what? 😩

I've been seeking for an answer everywhere. Websites, teachers and parents. The only answer I got was 'follow your dreams'. But I don't really sure what was my dream. What's wrong with me actually?

I envy those who already planned their future. Who studies hard on certain fields in order to achieve their dream. I want to be like them. I really want to. I've asked my mom. She always knows what is the best for me.  Frankly saying, she wants me to be like her. A pharmacist. Ah, that was one of my dreams too. I always have an interest in this field. But, well, let's see what my results would be. My dad wants me to be a teacher. He said I have the qualities. What qualities, abah? I'm fierce and impatient. I don't want to be charged for abusing the students. 😂

As for me, I have a lot of dreams.

I want to be a pharmacist, like I stated before. Pharmacists are cool and got a big responsibility. I love challenges, honestly. But, to be a pharmacist, I must be really good in my Science subjects. God knows how I struggle to pass these subjects, seriously. 😴

I also want to have my own brand, in whatever field. Fashion or food or name it yourself. I want to be well-known. Like what Vivy Yusof, the owner of is having right now. She was really an inspiration. A happy living. 💓

What else. Oh, I want to be a graphic designer too. That's what I love the most, designing. Eventhough I'm not too creative, but I can always try, no? Well, I think I can. 😀

I love to write too. Maybe being a novelist won't be a bad idea, but creativities and ideas are everything. Not every single second you'll gain ideas. What if your writing isn't accepted well too? Oh my, there's too much of obstacles. Can I face the risk? Maybe yes, maybe no. 😔

Someone has said before, you can do anything but the fun will only there for the things that you do with love. I agreed with this. You can't stand doing things that were not your passion.

So, what will I be in ten years to come? I hope I'll still here to talk about it. Stay tuned. 😋

Till then 💋


  1. Have you tried taking the ujian kerjaya sidek? It does helps to discover your suitable field of occupation based on your interest.. :D

  2. I don't sure. Maybe I should give a try. Thanks for sharing :D

  3. Don't worry, you still got a plenty of time to think on what you want to do in the future

    Nurul Rasya I Blog

    1. Thank you. You make me feel somehow a bit relieved :)

  4. You are still young. Still got plenty of time. Just make sure you make an informed decision.

  5. Hi,
    choose what your heart tells you.
    you still have plenty of time to discover your talent

    1. Thank you. I think that's what I'm gonna do later :)

